Trump's Call Transcript Highlighted and OCR'd Here's a transcript of trumps treasonous actions on the record, read.... I have highlighted the relevant portions. Unclassified09.2019 by Dr Ogg on Scribd
FINALLY! Impeachment hearings are official! source: Nancy Pelosi finally acted and officially opened impeachment hearing to hold our corrupt president accountable!
Chef takes a stand against the cruel policies of the Trump Administration! An Important Update from Chef Chefs, I want to provide an update on recent events affecting Chef and changes that we’re making. As many of you know, we began our work with the U.S. Government in earnest in 2014 and 2015. This included DHS and its various departments
Trump wants his WAR, Sends our troops to Saudi Arabia. The Washington Post: U.S. to send additional troops to Saudi Arabia after attacks on oil facilities Let's hope our aspiring dictator can keep his little hands off our nuclear arsenal!
Trump Tries to rise to the level of an authoritarian tyrant! Trump is now claiming not only that he can not be charged with a crime while president, but he also can not be investigated for any crime while president. If the Democrats fail to act, Trump is right, either the president's power is given to them or taken